100 Reasons why the Bible does not use the word Trinity: Reason 28 of 100 [Jesus was not in heaven before his birth to Mary: Contrasting Visions in Heaven before and after Jesus’ birth]

Contrasting Visions in Heaven before and after Jesus’ birth Vision of Heaven as seen by Ezekiel - Living creatures and God “As I looked, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud, with brightness around it, and fire flashing forth continually, and in the midst of the fire, as it … Continue reading 100 Reasons why the Bible does not use the word Trinity: Reason 28 of 100 [Jesus was not in heaven before his birth to Mary: Contrasting Visions in Heaven before and after Jesus’ birth]

Reason 27 of 100 [If he called them GOD, unto whom the word of God came and the word was God]

God generally regards any 'MAN' a 'GOD' if he has received the word of God to teach others. When one speaks the word or acts on the word of God they are representing the invisible God. Exo 7:1 I have made thee God to Pharaoh Under the law the judges were GOD “Judges and officers … Continue reading Reason 27 of 100 [If he called them GOD, unto whom the word of God came and the word was God]