77 of 100: Forty verses that refute that Christ could have pre-existed

Emotionally we want Jesus to pre-exist but do scriptures really emphasise that Jesus was a spirit before his incarnation? Luke who wrote an gospel and the Acts of the apostle seems to be completely ignorant that Jesus was God or that he was a pre-existing spirit/angel that incarnated as Jesus. 1.] Luk 2:52 "And Jesus … Continue reading 77 of 100: Forty verses that refute that Christ could have pre-existed

100 Reasons why the Bible does not use the word Trinity: Reason 30 of 100 [The Birth of the Saviour – Significance of Jesus’ birth and records of Mathew, Luke and John 1 considered]

Gospel of Mathew: Here the emphasis is on how Jesus is of Abrahamic and Davidic descent. The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. (Matthew 1:1 KJV) The reason for this connection is that both Abraham and David received the promise of their ‘son’ who would be … Continue reading 100 Reasons why the Bible does not use the word Trinity: Reason 30 of 100 [The Birth of the Saviour – Significance of Jesus’ birth and records of Mathew, Luke and John 1 considered]

Reason 27 of 100 [If he called them GOD, unto whom the word of God came and the word was God]

God generally regards any 'MAN' a 'GOD' if he has received the word of God to teach others. When one speaks the word or acts on the word of God they are representing the invisible God. Exo 7:1 I have made thee God to Pharaoh Under the law the judges were GOD “Judges and officers … Continue reading Reason 27 of 100 [If he called them GOD, unto whom the word of God came and the word was God]